Smällen av min fighting spirit kommer nu och jag måste prioritera min egen hälsa. På fredag tar jag småttingarna och åker till Stockholm. Det är där jag finner ro i själen och mer motivation. tillsammans med Ismael är jag lugn och kan vara bara Åsa. Inte den som måste vara 100% hela tiden. Har bestämt att barnen och jag ska åka och köpa en basketboll sen ska det spelas basket hela lördagen. Kan hända det blir två för jag tycker det är grymt kul att spela med =)
Nu ska jag fixa det sista efter barnens bad som råkar vara swimingpool i HELA badrummet. Och sen duscha lägga mig på kudden och bara go into sleep.
Ha det alla när och kära pöss och Natti =)
Låter som du kommer ha en underbar helg! Ta hand om dig, hälsa Ismael och barnen. Kramar
Just gone one day seem like ayear for me, they lady iwant she eint in town,miss you baeb whetever you are icant say Mama RULES 1.come home now!!!
whetever you you are my Heart is flying with u baeb!!!
baeb Baeb Baeb Baeb Baeb Baeb Baeb...Where are you i cant say hello to sweet Angels !! I cry cry cry cry no one to sweep my tears i wont stop crying to the woman i miss,want, me like me miss,me want uhaaaaa mwaaa!! FAKTIST!!!!! hehhe
Day 2.
Its Sunday ! so quite no one to hunt att home,Angels are so far skaaaaaaachninge
fii va tömt!!!
Come on Boys !!!!
Day answer
Babe I miss you so much. Would like you to be here with me. But not possible :(..... We better cath up the time when I come home. Some jiggy jiggy maybe..... love ya
Day 3
Monday long day at work but still i was talking to her it seem like she is just beside me,the day was better and getting better and Greater when i spoke to the Angels..guess what ..first time to talk with Queen parents i was abit nervous but östergötaland dialekt ...
Rule nr 6 hmm abit hard im not ice hockey fun but today ijust register myself in the Team HV71 fiiii in deep shit with the Boys..but dont worry mami gonna save me!! miss you
Ahhh you are so great babe. It calm my soul when I heard you were talking to the boys. Proud of you but still miss you here beside me in the states. Charing everything with you would be such a bless. Go go go HV 71 )
puss miss you too
Day 4
falafel,Facket,chilitops,ciabatta delux, and many other new things..
Sweet weather.Mami she is enjoying her weather in Orlando oooh great...
Anyway i just arrived home coughing hmm uuch im i missing someone,,,
Hmmm somebody seems to be a bit unhappy :(. Tierd I belive!! A evening with god food and a really hurting back of overtanning try. Starts to be hard being away from everybody I love. Miss my kids and the man that caught my heart. And just tomorrow left before goin to be 30 years. Right now I would give anything to be home with my near and dear ones..... miss you all so muck but three guys I miss like crazy crazy crazy. MAMI WANTS TO COME HOME NOW!!!!!!
Day 5
i dint know where to go just im vanished with lonelyness men men...
Day 6
The Queen she is just gre on nr more can you believe that..frrom nine to zero ...people are getting more numbers but she starts all the way from the zero..anyway mami look sexy anyway no matter the nr she gat !